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She is Fierce
Find your voice & raise it the hell up.

Find your authentic voice and gain confidence speaking.

Learn how to ask for what you want (and get it).

Silence = Acceptance. 

Give voice to your power. Ask the hard questions.  Inspire others. 

Change your life. 

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Voice Science.

Retrain your voice to be clear, confident, and authentically you...for the rest of your life. 

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Brain Science.

Retrain your brain to be less stressed about speaking.  Utilize the latest brain science on learning to make changes effectively & efficiently.

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Girl Power.

Find your courage & your tribe.  95% of success is determined by those in your inner circle - we want to be in yours. 

Lip Service is my passion project.  A dream born out of more than a decade of working with, what we in the biz call, professional voice users: PVU’s.  A PVU is anyone whose voice is essential to her livelihood: actors, singers, and broadcast personalities often come to mind first but the list also includes teachers, clergy, lawyers, salesforce, get the idea. 


As far as I’m concerned, all women are PVU’s and their voices should be honored as such.  Do you know a mother whose voice isn’t essential?  Let’s expand that.  Do you know a woman whose voice isn’t essential to her career, her family, the world?  Imagine a world without the voices of Maya Angelou, Malala Yousafzai, Gloria Steinem, your mother, your best girlfriend, your midwife, your hair stylist.  I don’t know about you, but I’d be an uninspired puddle of loneliness with postpartum PTSD and a really unfortunate asymmetrical bob.


Officially, I am on faculty in the School of Theatre & Dance at East Carolina University, maintain a private client list of PVU's nationwide, and am a researcher focused on the intersection of brain science and voice science.  Here at Lip Service, I am a woman hell bent on empowering other women by giving them the tools to drown their fears and raise their voices.   


If you stopped by because it’s been awhile since someone reminded you that you have a voice, and that voice can move mountains, please, allow me.  If you already feel fierce like Michelle O. with a story to tell, please, allow me to help you speak your truth in a voice that is strong, stable, and sustainable.  If you find yourself in meetings, with clients, at book club, and keep swallowing the impulse to say that you deserve a raise, you have a creative solution, and Drinking & Tweeting should absolutely be on the list for June, Karen.  You belong here.  Welcome.




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This course is
for you..

She is Fierce is every woman's guide to harnessing the power of her voice.  Whether you are a small business owner, a CEO, a teacher, a student or anywhere in between - you are welcome & your voice is valued.


This course was created specifically to address the unique challenges facing women's voices and to work towards our goal of seeing women more equally represented in the corporate world, in thought leadership, and in the media. 

Create lasting change.

Get what you want.

Follow your dreams. 

Find your tribe.

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Here's the Roadmap...

We recommend using a new module each week, but you're in control, so take all the time you need. 

Meet Your Voice (She's Dying to Meet You)
We're going to deep dive into breathing..posture..and why shapewear is the root of all evil. We're also going to give you the tools to ensure your voice sounds its best  even in the early morning..after a late night..and too much tequila.

The Nitty Gritty: Quick Fixes to Common Vocal Problems
Do you like the sound of your voice?  Whether you're a confident speaker..think you sound like Mickey Mouse on helium..or have never thought about it before, this is the week we start making physical changes to your sound.  We're going to help you create a voice that is clear, confident, and reflective of who you are & what you stand for.

Impost-Her Syndrome
Every woman has the voice in her head.  You know, the one who says, "You're not good one likes you..and everybody's laughing."  We have that voice.  Her name is Barbara and she's very melodramatic.  When she shows up, we tell her to grab a LaCroix & take a seat in the lobby because we do not have time for that shit right now. 

The 3 Commandments of Conquering Fear   Your brain is incredible: virtually limitless information storage, processing speeds upwards of 260 mph, over 100,000 neurons in a tissue sample the size of a single grain of sand.  Your brain hosts the world's most powerful tech.  It's even better than the iPhone 13.  Our condolences to Apple. Learn how to use all that power to drown the fear & change your life.

Chase Your Dreams 
Ready to ask for a raise?  Become the voice of your company?  Stand up to toxicity?  Film voiceover for your social media?  Give better interviews?  Whatever your goals are, it's time to go after them..hard. 

The Finale
Put it all together and ensure you have the tools to make the changes you've worked so hard for last - for the rest of your life. 

"Very valuable insight about how to use your voice and find your power!"


“...The session was packed with insights and actionable items.  Love the advice on learning to use inner and outer voices to help overcome certain situations and behaviours.”


“Amazing session...very important (information) on how to become aware, speak up, and break patterns.” 


2024 Jessica Doyle-Mekkes
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