I'm Speaking
Helping every woman find her voice & use it fearlessly
Pronunciation /firs/
adjective, fierc·er, fierc·est.
"Though she be but little, she is fierce." - William Shakespeare
Truth time. No one is going to give you what you want, you have to ask for it, and women just aren’t asking.
Do women want to create change? To speak up against toxic culture? To speak their truth authentically?
Do women want more wealth? To grow a seven figure business? To join the C-suite?
Do women have big dreams? Life changing..next generation inspiring..Earth shattering dreams?
You’re damn right we do. But somewhere between the aim and the arrival women are getting lost. Don’t believe it?
Only 8% of women report new policies implemented at work due to the #MeToo movement
45% of female business leaders say it's difficult for women to speak up in meetings
Men are 4x more likely to negotiate for what they want at work
60% of women say they’ve never negotiated their salary, they quit instead
Men do 75% of the talking during an average business meeting
Our goal is to fix this. We want to help women change their lives and the lives of those in their family, their community, their country, and the world. It’s what fuels our fire, and everything else we do. For us, it all starts with your voice.
This is not a public speaking course.
Public speaking is a middle-aged white guy, standing in front of a podium, telling you things you don't want to know about a topic you're not all that interested in. He thinks he's funny.
His mustache is funny.
This is about finding your voice and raising it the hell up.
"Very valuable insight about how to use your voice and find your power!"
“...The session was packed with insights and actionable items. Love the advice on learning to use inner and outer voices to help overcome certain situations and behaviours.”
“Amazing session...very important (information) on how to become aware, speak up, and break patterns.”
The ULTIMATE Guide to a Clear, Confident Voice
My ULTIMATE Guide to a Clear, Confident Voice
Monday Morning Reset
Prepare Your Mind, Body, & Voice for the Day Ahead
The Secret to Making Changes that Last...Fast.